Source code for epitator.annotier

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
from __future__ import absolute_import
import re
from .annospan import SpanGroup, AnnoSpan
from . import maximum_weight_interval_set as mwis

[docs]class AnnoTier(object): """ A group of AnnoSpans stored sorted by start offset. """ def __init__(self, spans=None, presorted=False): if spans is None: self.spans = [] elif isinstance(spans, AnnoTier): self.spans = list(spans.spans) else: if presorted: self.spans = spans else: self.spans = sorted(spans) def __repr__(self): return ('AnnoTier([' + ', '.join([span.__repr__() for span in self.spans]) + '])') def __len__(self): return len(self.spans) def __add__(self, other_tier): return AnnoTier(self.spans + other_tier.spans) def __iter__(self): return iter(self.spans) def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.spans[idx]
[docs] def subtract_overlaps(self, other_tier): """ :param other_tier: The spans to be removed from the territory of this tier :type other_tier: AnnoTier :return: A copy of this tier with spans truncated and split so that none of the new spans overlap a span in other_tier :rtype: AnnoTier >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three four') >>> tier_a = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 18, doc)]) >>> tier_b = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(3, 8, doc), AnnoSpan(13, 18, doc)]) >>> tier_a.subtract_overlaps(tier_b) AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0-3, one), AnnoSpan(8-13, three)]) """ result_spans = [] for span, overlapping_spans in self.group_spans_by_containing_span(other_tier, allow_partial_containment=True): new_start = span.start for overlapping_span in overlapping_spans: if overlapping_span.start <= new_start: new_start = max(overlapping_span.end, new_start) else: result_spans.append(AnnoSpan( new_start, overlapping_span.start, span.doc, span.label, span.metadata )) new_start = overlapping_span.end if new_start >= span.end: break if new_start < span.end: result_spans.append(AnnoSpan( new_start, span.end, span.doc, span.label, span.metadata )) return AnnoTier(result_spans)
[docs] def group_spans_by_containing_span(self, other_tier, allow_partial_containment=False): """ Group spans in other_tier by the spans that contain them in this one. :param other_tier: The spans to be grouped together :type other_tier: AnnoTier :param allow_partial_containment: Include spans in groups for spans that partially overlap them. :return: An iterator that returns pairs of values, the first of which is the containing span from this tier, the second is an array of spans from other_tier that the span from this tier contans. >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier_a = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc)]) >>> tier_b = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 1, doc)]) >>> list(tier_a.group_spans_by_containing_span(tier_b)) [(AnnoSpan(0-3, one), [AnnoSpan(0-1, o)]), (AnnoSpan(4-7, two), [])] """ if isinstance(other_tier, AnnoTier): other_spans = other_tier.spans else: other_spans = sorted(other_tier) other_spans_idx = 0 for span in self.spans: span_group = [] # iterate over the other spans that come before this span. while other_spans_idx < len(other_spans): if allow_partial_containment: if other_spans[other_spans_idx].end > span.start: break else: if other_spans[other_spans_idx].start >= span.start: break other_spans_idx += 1 other_span_idx_2 = other_spans_idx while other_span_idx_2 < len(other_spans): if other_spans[other_span_idx_2].start >= span.end: break if not allow_partial_containment: # Skip the other span if it is not contained by this span. # It is possible there is another shorter span that starts # after it and is fully contained by this span. if other_spans[other_span_idx_2].end > span.end: other_span_idx_2 += 1 continue span_group.append(other_spans[other_span_idx_2]) other_span_idx_2 += 1 yield span, span_group
[docs] def spans_contained_by_span(self, selector_span): """ Return a list of spans that are contained by a "selector span". >>> from epitator.annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from epitator.annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> from epitator.annotier import AnnoTier >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier1 = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc)]) >>> span1 = AnnoSpan(3, 9, doc) >>> tier1.spans_contained_by_span(span1) AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(4-7, two)]) """ return( AnnoTier([span for span in self if selector_span.contains(span)]) )
[docs] def spans_overlapped_by_span(self, selector_span): """ Return a list of spans that overlap a "selector span". >>> from epitator.annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from epitator.annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> from epitator.annotier import AnnoTier >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier1 = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc)]) >>> span1 = AnnoSpan(0, 1, doc) >>> tier1.spans_overlapped_by_span(span1) AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0-3, one)]) """ return( AnnoTier([span for span in self if selector_span.overlaps(span)]) )
[docs] def with_label(self, label): """ Create a tier from the spans which have the given label >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc, 'odd'), ... AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc, 'even'), ... AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc, 'odd')]) >>> tier.with_label("odd") AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0-3, odd), AnnoSpan(8-13, odd)]) """ return AnnoTier([span for span in self if span.label == label])
[docs] def optimal_span_set(self, prefer="text_length"): """ :param perfer: A function that takes a span and returns a numeric tuple score. The following predefined functions may be specified via string: text_length, text_length_min_spans, num_spans, and num_spans_and_no_linebreaks :type prefer: string, function :return: A tier with the set of non-overlapping spans from this tier that maximizes the prefer function. :rtype: AnnoTier >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc, 'odd'), ... AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc, 'even'), ... AnnoSpan(3, 13, doc, 'long_span'), ... AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc, 'odd')]) >>> tier.optimal_span_set() AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0-3, odd), AnnoSpan(3-13, long_span)]) """ all_spans = self.spans def first(x): """ Perfers the matches that appear first in the first result list. """ # Using an exponent makes it so that a first match will be prefered # over multiple non-overlapping later matches. return 2 ** (len(all_spans) - all_spans.index(x)) def text_length(x): """ Prefers the match with the longest span of text that contains all the matching content. """ return len(x) def text_length_min_spans(x): """ Prefer the spans that cover the largest amount of text, and as a secondary objective the minimizes the overall number of matches. """ return len(x), -1 def num_spans(x): """ Prefers the match with the most distinct base spans. """ if isinstance(x, SpanGroup): return len(set(x.iterate_leaf_base_spans())) else: return 1 def num_spans_and_no_linebreaks(x): """ Same as num_spans, but linebreaks are avoided as a secondary objective, and overall text length is minimized as a third objective. """ return num_spans(x), int("\n" not in x.text), -len(x) if prefer == "first": prefunc = first elif prefer == "text_length": prefunc = text_length elif prefer == "text_length_min_spans": prefunc = text_length_min_spans elif prefer == "num_spans": prefunc = num_spans elif prefer == "num_spans_and_no_linebreaks": prefunc = num_spans_and_no_linebreaks else: prefunc = prefer my_mwis = mwis.find_maximum_weight_interval_set([ mwis.Interval( start=match.start, end=match.end, weight=prefunc(match), corresponding_object=match ) for match in all_spans ]) return AnnoTier([ interval.corresponding_object for interval in my_mwis ])
[docs] def without_overlaps(self, other_tier): """ Create a copy of this tier without spans that overlap a span in the other tier. """ span_groups = self.group_spans_by_containing_span(other_tier, allow_partial_containment=True) result = [] for span, group in span_groups: if len(group) == 0: result.append(span) return AnnoTier(result)
[docs] def with_contained_spans_from(self, other_tier, allow_partial_containment=False): """ Create a new tier from pairs spans in this tier and the other tier where the span in this tier contains one in the other tier. """ span_groups = self.group_spans_by_containing_span(other_tier, allow_partial_containment=allow_partial_containment) result = [] for span, group in span_groups: for other_span in group: result.append(SpanGroup([span, other_span])) return AnnoTier(result)
[docs] def with_nearby_spans_from(self, other_tier, max_dist=100): """ Create a new tier from pairs spans in this tier and the other tier that are near eachother. """ return AnnoTier( self.with_following_spans_from(other_tier, max_dist=max_dist, allow_overlap=True) + other_tier.with_following_spans_from(self, max_dist=max_dist, allow_overlap=True))
[docs] def with_following_spans_from(self, other_tier, max_dist=1, allow_overlap=False): """ Create a new tier from pairs of spans where the one in the other tier follows a span from this tier. >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three four') >>> tier1 = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), ... AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc)]) >>> tier2 = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(14, 18, doc)]) >>> tier1.with_following_spans_from(tier2) AnnoTier([SpanGroup(text=three four, label=None, AnnoSpan(8-13, three), AnnoSpan(14-18, four))]) """ extended_spans = [] for span in self: extended_spans.append( AnnoSpan(span.start, span.end + max_dist + 1, span.doc, metadata=span)) extended_spans = AnnoTier(extended_spans, presorted=True) span_groups = extended_spans.group_spans_by_containing_span(other_tier, allow_partial_containment=True) if allow_overlap: def starts_before_f(span_a, span_b): return span_a.start < span_b.start else: def starts_before_f(span_a, span_b): return span_a.end <= span_b.start result = [] for extended_span, span_group in span_groups: idx = 0 for span in span_group: if starts_before_f(extended_span.metadata, span): break idx += 1 for span in span_group[idx:]: result.append(SpanGroup([extended_span.metadata, span])) return AnnoTier(result)
[docs] def combined_adjacent_spans(self, max_dist=1): """ Create a new tier from groups of spans within max_dist of eachother. >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three four') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), ... AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc), ... AnnoSpan(14, 18, doc)]) >>> tier.combined_adjacent_spans() AnnoTier([SpanGroup(text=one, label=None, AnnoSpan(0-3, one)), SpanGroup(text=three four, label=None, AnnoSpan(8-13, three), AnnoSpan(14-18, four))]) """ prev_span = None span_groups = [] span_group = None for span in self: if not prev_span: span_group = [span] elif prev_span.end + max_dist >= span.start: span_group.append(span) else: span_groups.append(SpanGroup(span_group)) span_group = [span] prev_span = span if span_group: span_groups.append(SpanGroup(span_group)) return AnnoTier(span_groups)
[docs] def chains(self, at_least=1, at_most=None, max_dist=1): """ Create a new tier from all chains of spans within max_dist of eachother. """ combined_spans = AnnoTier() new_combined_spans = self chain_len = 1 while True: if chain_len >= at_least: combined_spans += new_combined_spans if len(new_combined_spans) == 0: break chain_len += 1 if at_most and chain_len > at_most: break new_combined_spans = new_combined_spans.with_following_spans_from(self, max_dist=max_dist) return combined_spans
[docs] def span_before(self, target_span, allow_overlap=True): """ Find the nearest span that comes before the target span. >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three four') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), ... AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc), ... AnnoSpan(14, 18, doc)]) >>> tier.span_before(AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc)) AnnoSpan(0-3, one) """ closest_span = None for span in self: if span.start >= target_span.start: break if not allow_overlap and span.end > target_span.start: break closest_span = span return closest_span
[docs] def span_after(self, target_span): """ Find the nearest span that comes after the target span. """ span = None for span in self: if span.start >= target_span.end: break return span
[docs] def nearest_to(self, target_span): """ Find the nearest span to the target span. """ closest_span = None min_distance = None for span in self: span_distance = span.distance(target_span) if closest_span is None or span_distance <= min_distance: closest_span = span min_distance = span_distance else: # Once the span distance stops decreasing # it will only increase. break return closest_span
[docs] def label_spans(self, label): """ Create a new tier based on this one with labeled spans that can be looked up by groupdict. """ return AnnoTier([SpanGroup([span], label) for span in self], presorted=True)
[docs] def search_spans(self, regex, label=None): """ Search spans for ones matching the given regular expression. """ regex = re.compile(regex + r'$', re.I) match_spans = [] for span in self: if regex.match(span.text): match_spans.append(SpanGroup([span], label)) return AnnoTier(match_spans, presorted=True)
[docs] def match_subspans(self, regex): """ Create a new tier from the components of spans matching the given regular expression. >>> from .annospan import AnnoSpan >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three four') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), ... AnnoSpan(4, 13, doc), ... AnnoSpan(14, 18, doc)]) >>> tier.match_subspans(r"two") AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(4-7, two)]) """ regex = re.compile(regex) match_spans = [] for span in self: for match in regex.finditer(span.text): match_spans.append(AnnoSpan( match.start() + span.start, match.end() + span.start, span.doc )) return AnnoTier(match_spans, presorted=True)