Source code for epitator.annospan

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf8
from __future__ import absolute_import


[docs]class AnnoSpan(object): """ A span of text with an annotation applied to it. """ __slots__ = ["start", "end", "doc", "metadata", "label", "base_spans"] def __init__(self, start, end, doc, label=None, metadata=None): self.start = start self.end = end self.doc = doc self.metadata = metadata # Base spans is only non-empty on span groups. self.base_spans = EMPTY_LIST self.label = label def __repr__(self): return u'AnnoSpan({0}-{1}, {2})'.format(self.start, self.end, self.label or self.text) def __lt__(self, other): if self.start < other.start: return True elif self.start == other.start: return self.end < other.end else: return False def __len__(self): return self.end - self.start
[docs] def distance(self, other_span): """ The number of characters between this span and the other one. If the spans overlap the distance is the negative length of their overlap. >>> from .annotier import AnnoTier >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), AnnoSpan(8, 13, doc)]) >>> tier.spans[0].distance(tier.spans[1]) 5 """ if self.start < other_span.start: return other_span.start - self.end else: return self.start - other_span.end
[docs] def overlaps(self, other_span): """ Return true if the span overlaps other_span. """ return ( (self.start >= other_span.start and self.start < other_span.end) or (other_span.start >= self.start and other_span.start < self.end) )
[docs] def contains(self, other_span): """ Return true if the span completely contains other_span. """ return self.start <= other_span.start and self.end >= other_span.end
[docs] def adjacent_to(self, other_span, max_dist=1): """ Return true if the span comes before or after other_span with at most max_dist charaters between them. """ return ( self.comes_before(other_span, max_dist) or other_span.comes_before(self, max_dist) )
[docs] def comes_before(self, other_span, max_dist=1, allow_overlap=False): """ Return True if the span comes before the other_span and there are max_dist or fewer charaters between them. >>> from .annotier import AnnoTier >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> tier = AnnoTier([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc), AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc)]) >>> tier.spans[0].comes_before(tier.spans[1]) True >>> tier.spans[1].comes_before(tier.spans[0]) False """ if allow_overlap: ok_start = self.start <= other_span.start else: ok_start = self.end <= other_span.start return ok_start and self.end >= other_span.start - max_dist
[docs] def extended_through(self, other_span): """ Create a new span that includes this one and the other span. """ return SpanGroup([self, other_span], self.label)
[docs] def trimmed(self): """ Create a new AnnoSpan based on this one with the offsets adjusted so that there is no white space at the beginning or end. >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two three') >>> original_span = AnnoSpan(3, 8, doc) >>> original_span.trimmed() AnnoSpan(4-7, two) """ start = self.start end = self.end doc_text = self.doc.text while start < end and doc_text[start] == " ": start += 1 while start < end and doc_text[end - 1] == " ": end -= 1 return AnnoSpan(start, end, self.doc, label=self.label, metadata=self.metadata)
@property def text(self): return self.doc.text[self.start:self.end]
[docs] def to_dict(self): """ Return a json serializable dictionary. """ return dict( label=self.label, textOffsets=[[self.start, self.end]] )
[docs] def groupdict(self): """ Return a dict with all the labeled matches. >>> from .annodoc import AnnoDoc >>> doc = AnnoDoc('one two wolf') >>> number_span_g = SpanGroup([AnnoSpan(0, 3, doc, 'number'), ... AnnoSpan(4, 7, doc, 'number'), ... AnnoSpan(8, 12, doc, 'animal')]) >>> number_span_g.groupdict()['number'] [AnnoSpan(0-3, number), AnnoSpan(4-7, number)] >>> number_span_g.groupdict()['animal'] [AnnoSpan(8-12, animal)] """ out = {} for base_span in self.base_spans: for key, values in base_span.groupdict().items(): out[key] = out.get(key, []) + values for values in out.values(): values.sort() if self.label: out[self.label] = [self] return out
[docs] def iterate_base_spans(self): """ Recursively iterate over all base_spans including base_spans of child SpanGroups. """ for span in self.base_spans: yield span for span2 in span.iterate_base_spans(): yield span2
[docs] def iterate_leaf_base_spans(self): """ Return the leaf base spans in a SpanGroup tree. """ for span in self.iterate_base_spans(): if not isinstance(span, SpanGroup): yield span
[docs]class SpanGroup(AnnoSpan): """ A AnnoSpan that extends through a group of AnnoSpans. """ def __init__(self, base_spans, label=None, metadata=None): assert isinstance(base_spans, list) assert len(base_spans) > 0 super(SpanGroup, self).__init__( min(s.start for s in base_spans), max(s.end for s in base_spans), base_spans[0].doc, label, metadata) self.base_spans = base_spans def __repr__(self): return ("SpanGroup(" "text=" + self.text + ", " "label=" + str(self.label) + ", " + ", ".join(map(str, self.base_spans)) + ")")